当前位置:首页 > 产品展示 > 纸箱检测设备ISTA标准 > 边压粘合强度取样器 > PY-H603M纸箱板边压强度取样器 美国欧规国标
深圳市普云电子有限公司生产PY-H603M纸箱板边压强度取样器 美国欧规国标边压/粘合取样刀是瓦楞纸板边压强度试验和粘合强度试验常用的专用取样器具,可快速、准确地切取规定尺寸的试样,是瓦楞纸板及纸箱生产、科研和质量监督检验等部门理想的辅助试验器具。
GB/T 6546-1998《瓦楞纸板边压强度的测定》
GB/T 6548-1998《瓦楞纸板粘合强度的测定》
TAPPI T839瓦楞纤维板的边缘抗压强度(短柱试验)Edgewise Compressive Strength of Corrugated Fiberboard Using the Clamp Method (Short Column Test)
取样尺寸: | 国标ECT边压(100*25)mm; PAT粘合(80*25)mm;美标ECT边压(50.8*50.8)mm |
取样误差: | ±0.5mm |
取样厚度: | ≤18mm |
平行定位: | 进口线性滑轨 |
外形尺寸: | 350*50*380mm |
重 量 : | 14kg |
特制刀片,日本进口SK4高碳钢,锋利耐用 是国内很好的刀片
深圳市普云电子有限公司生产PY-H603M纸板箱ECT边压取样器 美国标准竖压测试装置架 ,本夹具符合美国国家标准TAPPI T839 又名美标边压强度试验装置——夹具,尺寸为50.8*50.8mm现货供应。又名美标纸箱边压强度试验夹具,美国边压强度测试架,美标瓦楞纸板竖压强度测试夹具。
TAPPI T 839 om-18
Edgewise Compressive Strength of Corrugated Fiberboard Using the Clamp Method (Short Column Test)
TAPPI T 839 om-18描述了用凹槽测定边缘抗压强度的程序
TAPPI T 839 om-18 describes procedures for determining the edgewise compressive strength, with flutes
vertical, loading perpendicular to the axis of the flutes, of a short column of single-, double-, or triple-wall corrugated fiberboard.The method includes procedures for cutting the test specimen (saw cutting and knife cutting), one procedure for specimen support (spring support clamp fixture), and two procedures for applying the compressive force
(constant strain rate, or constant load rate). Studies have shown that any combination of these procedures will yield similar test results with the stated precision (Section 9).
TAPPI T 811 om-17Edgewise Compressive Strength of Corrugated Fiberboard (Short Column Test)